Thursday, October 20, 2011

Never mind and Never let go

Life is a journey ful of surplise, miracles and disapointment but all you have to do with these things is, we just have to forget and leave them behind our backs then keep on moving ahead. Don't let your pass eat your prenset and don't let your present distory your future. Let go of the people who never meet anything in your life, let go of every mistakes that you have made in your life and look ahead of you... cause some people are like internt virus, they enter in your life, scan your heart, transfer your mind, edit your stand, dowload your porblems, deletes your happiness and shoutdown your freedom and finally leave you as a dead computer. "I say without the past, there will be no present and  without  the present there will be no future"
Think about your happiness cause it's also counts