Sunday, January 23, 2011

If I could go back and start again

We all know that this world is a beautiful place to be at, but on thing sure is that, once your loose the life you have, then there is no second chance to get another one.
Most of the people (youth) play round with their lifes, if we look at people who loves us, their keep us away from making the same mistakes they did, most of the people run away from such people, we think that it's just no sense to sitt and listen to what an elder person has for us.

If I caould go back and start a new life, this is what most of the people says, I have heard most of the people saying this, but ofcause on one has that chance to do, I'm glad that there are 2 or more people who keeps on saying the same thing everyday of my life, Ofcause sometimes it's sounds or become too much but when you get down to the roots it's because they don't want me to get or go though the same mistakes they did.
 Other young girls gets pregents when they are roung 14 and when they get to 18 and see that thay want to have fun, thats when they think, I wish I never got a child, it's too late to go back and choose the right way, I'm so glad that I never ended up, in things like that, but at the same time, I have made mistakes that I wish I can go back and live my life the way I think I should have lived.

Sometimes all we need to do is never give up, no matter how hard your life has become, since you have been done what you did, just pray that you shouldn't make other mistakes that will leave your life on open world.

We live in the world where if someone made a mistake they could still wish for others to make the same mistakes. Love your friend as you love your self, corrent your friend when you see they go in a wrong way.
We understand life in diffence ways, eachone has his/her own understanding and a living way, I have had my life for a long time now, and I have done things that I wish I never did, but I'm glad that til today, I could still sit and think of making the right choice of what I want to be tomorrow, I don't want to end up like other people, who thinks their life is nothing just because of one smile mistake.

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I love my friends ashawos

I love my ashawo
hahha I had many things to blog but I don't know how to start, but I just thought of telling you guys how much I love my friends
Most of the times when I with them, I fell home because thats what I do for them.
here are some pic about them
Synslie, me and Cat

Synslie, Fred, Cat and me

Lotus, me and Synslie

Best ashawo
Honey, Cat Syvila og Aisa

Synslie, Syvila og Aisa


halla my family


His a the best ash

These are my heart, without them I couldn't be myself, my all self, thank God I got them behind me...Love you ashawos and will keep on loving you...