Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Here you go girl
It's your birthday enjoy the day as much as you want, cause this only comes once a day in a week, month, year and life time. All you need to do is just have fun and enjoy the day.
Maybe you guy are wondring whom I'm Talking about...Yes yes, she is my friend and I'm dlag she is my friend, even when sometimes she is stupid more than the world stupid itself...I love to tell her this all the time and she know that, everyone around her knows that she is not NORMAL
She is one of the sweetest girl I have ever meet, she is fun to be with and O'm more than glad that we are friends. I don't ever remember  fight with her anytime, anywhere or about anything. Even  when sometimes I tell her than she is stupid, she knows that I don't mean in a bad way and a jok...
Yes she is a big ashawo and everyone else knows that... :) but as for me even when she is an Ashawo I don't care, why because I'm glad she does something with her life.
Doing her things.....
Acting stupidy but sweet
me and the top ashawos 
H.A.P.P.Y B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y <3

Dream girl

Have you slept around 21:30 and hopping that you will wake up tomorrow about 8? Well this is what I'm just doing... I slept so eary that I should wake up tomorrow morning with a happy face, but I guess my plan isn't working :( This is now almost 04 and I'm a wake I try to watch a movie it's not waking, try to read not waking, and now just sitted in my my room, thinking of how life might be sometimes...
I can't call unfair why because life is never unfair if you are fair yourself....
We end up loosing ourself with somethings like this, I can't sleep yes, I swited off the lights and tryed to think of something sweet that might make me sleep but not helping...I guess it's going to be a long night.
If all dreams could come true....


NAME: Rita
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HIGHT: 150 cm not so high :)
COLOUR OF EYES: a little of red, white and a bit browen but beautiful
FROM: Congo## Zambia
LIVES: Norway- Oslo
DATING: Thats me to know and it's your job to ask :P
BOY/ GIRS:  Boys are best... :)
What clour do like the most?
answer: I love pink, light green, red and yellow.

What do you like doing on your fri time?
Answer: I love playing volley-ball, dancing, singing and making fun...

What do you love the most about life?
Answer: I love the thing that life changes, in both ways bad or good. (E.G) You might have had friend you love the most, but just because of a smile problem everything becames a past, things chnages.

Who is your best friend?
Answer: well I got on best friend cause I count everyone the same, they are all my friends and I love them.

Where could you want to be right now?
Answer: The place wow wow wow...I could wish Africa, but since I have been there before I could want to visit some new countries.

Who is your best roll in life?
Answer: My mom...not only her but even my aunts, and some part of the family...but there are also people just people I meet and we get to know each they teach me a lot.They leave a roll in my life.

What do you want to be when you are old?
Answer: I want to be an international jounlist...my biggest dream ever.

What do you do for living?
Answer: I'm still an high school girl. every morning waking up with a plan of going to school.

What type of songs do you love?
Answer: I could say, jazz, slow, country and some R and B just some.

Say some of the musican names...
Answer: Ray Charles, Jenniffer Holiday, Celine Dion, Kanny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Miley Cyrus, P square, J martins , Mampi..etc

Can you show us the real you?
Answer: If you mean a foto yes...I can...

When is your birthday?
Answer: It's no 17th may.

What more can you tell us about yourself? Is there anything we forgot to ask you and you want to let know about it?

Answer: If there is more things I want to let you know than I will tell you about it...but I think you forgot to ask me about films...hehhe

Sure...what kind of film do you like?
I love comedy the most, but also love, love film and war...where they re fighting and something like that.

What's the meaning of life to you?
Answer: Life is a good, live your life good when you can, cause once you are old there is no going back!!!
Thanksing for taking your time to know more things about me!!! you want to more just ask and the answer shall be give...!!!