Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Every note I write, very blog i blog and every words are write means a lot to seems liker a jok, or like I just don't find something else to do, but it's part of whom I have always wanted to I want to became... :) I don't write anything I just dream about but I write things that makes me happy

and writes something which helps me to group up both inside and out. Sometimes you just have to carry on, keep going even when you feel like you won't make...just have a believe that, you will make it... :)

My many topic today is about my friends...well people I got bands of friends...friends that cares and matters in life....friends that I couldn't wish to miss or let them go away from me.

My top friends
Synslie: She has always been there for me, anytime I need/needed a friend around, infact she is more than a friend, she's like a sister and by this I just want to say thank you for always been there for me, in any kind of time and everything and I love you you so much  cause it really means alot to come cross such a person. She got my back i got her legs

And the next one is dearst Hoeny...she's very funny and sweet everytime I'm with her...she's my young good friend...that's I love so so much... means alot in my life...i remember in summer when it was just down to the 3 of us....we had fun, even when we had no money. She's my best friend....and I love her so so much.... she got my back and I got her one big bone....

There come more beutiful people.....Aisa, Mwiiza; Chadia, Bella...Andrea...Varerie...Abbie and just so many are the most beautiful, kind, sweet people I have ever come across.....I remember back in the days when we all came together, went out for fun, and did what we had to do....remember onething all got a great place in my heart, a place that on one will take it away from me-.....I know you got my back and i got your things... :)

Mwiiza, Chadia and VVVVVV


Monday, October 24, 2011

Let them talk, it won't change a thing in your life (love in the air)

This life you have, take it with care once you lose it  in anyway you won't get another one. The one you have is much better than what you think...even when people laughs at you, just never mind them, cause people are they to distory and not to build, don't mind what people says about you. Be happy with what you have, with the guy/girl you have, I know that through your relastionship some people will be happy for you and some won't. Rememebr one thing in this life, your choice isn't my choice and my choice isn't your choice, some of your good close friend might laugh at your choice but don't give up no what your heart wants.Do what your heart telles you to do. Trust me you are beautiful/handsome and the guy/girl is what you choice to live with, go go go go ahead and do you wish, cause God knows everything about you.... just use your time to do your things and don't let anybody come inbwteen you.... love in the air from me in NORWAY

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Never mind and Never let go

Life is a journey ful of surplise, miracles and disapointment but all you have to do with these things is, we just have to forget and leave them behind our backs then keep on moving ahead. Don't let your pass eat your prenset and don't let your present distory your future. Let go of the people who never meet anything in your life, let go of every mistakes that you have made in your life and look ahead of you... cause some people are like internt virus, they enter in your life, scan your heart, transfer your mind, edit your stand, dowload your porblems, deletes your happiness and shoutdown your freedom and finally leave you as a dead computer. "I say without the past, there will be no present and  without  the present there will be no future"
Think about your happiness cause it's also counts 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Sometimes life is just to hard to HANDEL but don't ever give up...sometime what we wish for doesn't come the way we want it to come, but don't forget that you once got what u wished for...sometimes just just don't find the right for happeness but you should remember that you where once happy....all this  are hard to handel.... :) Despiet of everything, remember to be stronge....remember that everything you do, you do it for yourself and for others

Monday, October 10, 2011


Hey guys....

I'm so glad to be back in my old life again...this is so amazing and I'm so glad that I could have this chance to share with something new this time.
There have been so much bla bla bla in my life but, I guess it's better than nothing...right now, nothing makes me happer than what I have...I'm just so loving everything I have...
Do you know what all these smilies are for? huh? Oh yeah... all for myself ,I don't know about you. Sometimes it's so much better to just forget stupid things that has happed to your life and think about the good things ahead of me I know it's not easy but we just have to do what makes us happe.
 Yeah no one knows me like I do...hmm someone wanted to make himself a play boy but haha it ended up  wrong cause I'm not like the any other girl the story is coved) What have you been doing? I have had a wonderfull holiday and I enjoyed it very well.... coming with more news news later
keep on reading my blog...I might just blog about your life. oh oh